TWO men have been jailed after a gun and police found a gun and ammunition at a house in Northolt.

They received intelligence that a firearm was being stored at an address in Killowen Avenue, and in October 2021 carried out an armed raid at the property.

A package containing a black pistol and ammunition was found. Cydney Hadkinson, who was there, was arrested on suspicion of firearms offences, though she claimed she had no idea what was in the package.

Through forensic work, Kaoen Tarahkel and Necho Lewis were identified as being involved in handling and transferring the gun and ammunition. They were arrested in January 2023 and were also charged with firearms offences.

At Isleworth Crown Court, Tarahkel, 30, of Rectory Park Avenue, Northolt was jailed for six years and 10 months after pleading guilty to the firearm offence, as well as possession with intent to supply Class A and Class B drugs.

At the same hearing, Necho Lewis, 31, of Isleworth, was jailed for nine and a half years having been found guilty of transferring the firearm possessing a gun and ammunition with intent to endanger life.

Cydney Hadkinson, 27, was this week sentenced to 18 months in prison, suspended for two years. She had previously pleaded guilty to possession of a firearm and ammunition.

Det Con Lianne Grayson said: “Tarahkel and Lewis took advantage of Hadkinson, who was in a vulnerable situation, to store a deadly weapon at her address.

“While the Judge has taken Hadkinson’s situation into account, they did comment on the seriousness of this offence, as borne out in the significant sentences handed down to the others.”