A Solihull resident is itching to get back on the bowling green after giving the sport a go at Bowls England's 'Bowls' Big Weekend'.

Louise Wright, 54, is the only member of her family who does not play bowls but has now fallen under its spell after an inclusive day out at the home of bowls.

Wright was one of the lucky participants at Leamington Spa Bowls Club who had the privilege of playing against and being coached by some of England's best bowlers whilst also nurturing her own love of the sport.

And she noted how the day has awoken an excitement to join her family on the green in the future.

"My whole family bowl but I'm the non-bowler out of them so there was a bit of pressure on me to be good," she said.

"I had to take it up when they weren't looking so that's why I came to the Bowls Big Weekend.

"Everyone was so welcoming today and we should definitely do more events like this it was great.

"I would love to come back as I do have that competitive streak in me and I'm determined to show my family I can do it now."

Leamington Spa is known as the spiritual home of bowls and Wright was joined in a game by a group of beginners as well her niece and Bowls England player Emily Kernick.

Kernick was recently called up to her first international senior team for the upcoming European Bowls Championships and was thrilled to see her aunt get involved in the day.

"I love that anyone can play bowls," she said.

"You could turn up on a Tuesday night and have a 10-year-old playing against an 85-year-old and you don't know who's going to win. It's just so inclusive.

"My mum played bowls and so I was always watching from a really young age.

“As soon as I could hold a bowl, I had one in my hands just rolling it around.

"As I got older, I started playing more competitively and I just love everything about it.

"I bought my aunt down as she's having her first go at it. She's alright, actually! It's fun to watch."

To find your nearest participating club and sign up for a free session go to bowlsbigweekend.com