Space Man singer Sam Ryder is helping give children the chance to have their visions of galactic adventures sent into outer space for the very first time.

Ryder, who wrote and sang about floating in mid-air and falling down black holes, is helping youngsters win the chance to have their tales of their own fantasy adventures transmitted to the universe.

It’s certainly a lot more exciting than sticking a message on a piece of paper in a bottle, setting it adrift and hoping to hear back from whoever retrieved it.

The money-can’t-buy opportunity comes as research revealed that space was the top dream destination for British children, with 38% saying there is no place to rival it.

And a fifth of eight-16 year-olds polled on behalf of the LEGO Group believed it will be possible in their lifetime for anyone to live on another planet. 

Becoming an astronaut is the dream career for eight per cent of children – even more popular than being a footballer, superhero or doctor.

Top of the bucket list for young space fans is to float in zero gravity (64%) visiting other planets (55%) and exploring the galaxy (54%). A trip wouldn’t be complete without a space selfie for over half (55%) and 39% would insist on sharing their adventure with the family pet while 12% said it would make the best ever playdate location.

Self-confessed space fanatic Ryder shot to fame and secured Britain second place behind Ukraine in the 2022 Eurovision Song Contest with his Space Man performance.  

He has now been filmed talking about how his own dream space trip would include playing a gig on Jupiter with his mates, to encourage kids across the UK to record a message detailing their ultimate out-of-this-world escapades. 

The winning recordings will be transmitted from Goonhilly Earth Station in Cornwall,  the world’s first private space communications centre, that played a key role in landing a commercial spacecraft on the moon for the first time earlier this year.

Also on the judging panel is esteemed space expert and educator Dame Dr. Maggie Aderin-Pocock DBE, best known for presenting the BBC’s Sky at Night.  The pair will be tasked with picking ten very lucky winners who will get to watch their messages being sent in July. Other space enthusiasts will be able to watch the event on LEGO’S website.

Experts at Goonhilly, the UK’s pioneering home of satellite communications since 1962, will transform the messages into intergalactic computer code, specifically designed to transmit deep into outer space, and shot into the cosmos. They will reach the stars via Goonhilly’s large scale radar dishes, which report important messages to and from Earth’s satellites and our solar system.

The LEGO Message to Space competition builds on the growing excitement and resurgence in space exploration as developments in commercial experiences in outer space have never been closer, opening up a world of new careers and possibilities for children all over the world.

Ealing Times:

Ryder said: “My first memory of experiencing the sensation of ‘awe’ was learning about Space. Whether it’s the infinite possibilities of other worlds orbiting distant stars or the questions surrounding who we are and life itself, it all continues to be a source of wonderment for people all across our little pale blue dot. 

“As a kid, I would have loved the chance to transmit a message toward the stars to perhaps be picked up by someone or something in a billion years or so. Imagine a song drifting through the heavens like that! I can’t wait to hear all the amazing ideas from the next generation of cosmic explorers!”

Dame Maggie added: “Space offers an endless frontier of fun and adventure for kids. It’s something many children get obsessed with from an early age. We’re now in the most exciting time for space exploration and education since the moon landing, and initiatives like this can really help to educate kids on the opportunities to have an exciting career in all things space and science.”

The competition is open to children in the UK between the ages of 8 - 16 years old from June 4 – July 1. Entrants can share their wildest and wackiest deep space adventure ideas in a 30 second video recording, submitting their entry here