PIANIST Miu Shimizu has been using her skills as a music therapist to help ease the pain of terminally ill patients at Meadow House Hospice in Ealing.

Miu began volunteering with the hospice last year. The sound of music fills Meadow House once a week as she plays a mixture of pop, jazz and rock songs, depending on the mood.

One of her favourite pianists is Elton John, who himself paid a visit to the Ealing Hospital site, to open a new ward, in the 1990s.

“We open patients’ doors so they can hear me play,” says the Tokyo-born musician, who came to the UK several years ago to study.

“I do take requests, and patients and families often ask for music with a particular mood, rather than a specific artist or song title.

“I’ll often find myself chatting to patients about music and how it makes them feel.”

Miu, who is a member of the Health and Care Professionals Council, will be performing a fund-raiser for the hospice at 2.30pm on Friday, July 12.

She will be joined by her landlady and fellow musician and bassoonist Joanna Burley, flautist Nanako Nakamura and singer Sophie.

Joanna added: “We’re quite a musical household and I’m a great believer in music’s ability to positively influence mood and feeling. This is especially important when people are going through tough times.”

Tickets cost £10 via https://MHHfundraiser.eventbrite.com