Instead of LOL the nation is crying out loud for lessons in communicating - both digitally and in person - with over half feeling left behind in group chats and overwhelmed by the number of apps used to stay in touch.

While almost three-quarters (73%) of British adults believe that participating groups chat with families, friends and colleagues gives them a better sense of belonging, over half (51%) are confused by the volume of communication methods, apps channels and ways to speak to people today. In fact, one in five admit they navigate four different apps to stay connected. 

Exactly half (50%) said they struggled to keep up with the speed of conversations, both in group chats and in person.

With over 3,000 emojis to choose from, over a third (35%) admitted they were confused over which ones to select when messaging and had only a limited emoji vocabulary, with most using on average four different ones a day and even Gen Z only typically using six of them. Over a quarter (26%) said they experienced the embarrassment of sending the wrong one to friends and family. While almost half (49%) lack the confidence to communicate effectively, stating the shortage of communications skills has stopped them connecting to family members.

(Image: JACK HALL)

Three, the UK’s fastest 5G network provider, has decided to step in bring the nation’s social skills up to speed. It is launching the world’s first Social Fitness Hub – an immersive pop-up in London where guests will be given free classes in group chat etiquette and mastering the emoji minefield.

The research commissioned by Three, found that not only are people struggling to keep up with technology but 47% said they struggle to concentrate in real-life conversations and zone out. It seems that listening is a lost art as 80% said not paying attention had impacted their personal relationships. The Mind, Body and Scroll event will also offer a listening and meditation workshop

Bizarrely, Gen Z, usually referred to as digital natives, were revealed as the least socially fit – with 43% of the youngest group in the study confessing to taking up to an hour to reply to a message and in one-in-five admitted they don’t even read many of them. 

Aislinn O’Connor at Three UK & Ireland said: “The research shows we are a nation that thrives on building strong networks and deeper connections with others. From family group chats to one-on-one chit-chat, we all have our own unique collection of networks that spark meaningful conversations and nurture a sense of belonging. With our new pop-up, Mind, Body & Scroll, we aim to inspire Brits to boost their Social Fitness for a better-connected life on the UK’s Fastest 5G Network.”

The event will be held at The Outernet, London on 7th & 8th August and will host a series of free fun classes each day to help educate and encourage Brits to build their social and communication skills, curated and hosted by leading experts in their field. For free tickets visit

Mind, Body & Scroll immersive classes will include:

Emoji Press - a crash course into the meaning, use and madness of emojis hosted by Keith Broni, Editor-in-Chief of Emojipedia. Enhance your emoji vocabulary to better communicate with your networks and empower your sense of self-expression.

Heavyweight Listening – a deep listening workshop and mindful meditation hosted by Georgina Halabi, a certified positive intelligence coach. Deepen your relationships and strengthen your social conversational skills with this active approach to mindfulness. 

Groups Therapy – the science of belonging and connection within your networks, hosted by life coach, Charlotte Silver. Deep dive into group chat etiquette, how to navigate important relationships and maintain life-long bonds. The space will also offer interactive games and one-on-one expert advice.