AN exclusive piece of artwork, commissioned by the London Art Exchange, has been donated to Hammersmith, Fulham, Ealing and Hounslow Mind.

It was handed over by the Soho gallery in a ceremony at the Circle hub space and café in South Ealing Road.

Bear Club is one of two hand-sewn pieces, comprising multiple plush toys, by British creator Jakob The Artist.

Hundreds of toys were collected and selected to be individually hand sewn to the canvas - and in places to each other - to create a collage of furry friends.

A second artwork, Since You Came Along, was also donated to HFEH Mind by anonymous artist Mr Phantom.

The works have the potential to generate significant funds at an auction on World Health Day in October.

Meanwhile, HFEH Mind will look to take the art work around schools in the area, to highlight the work carried out by their mental health support and wellbeing teams.