PLANS by Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks to develop its network supplied by the Ealing Grid Supply Point are going out for public consultation.

Grid Supply Points – or GSPs – are the points where SSEN’s own network connects with the high-voltage Transmission grid.

SSEN’s draft plans for the Ealing GSP cover anticipated network needs, make recommendations for work needed in the short- and long-term and assess how and when flexibility (the ability to adjust electricity supply and demand) might be used.

They are open for consultation by individuals and businesses until Wednesday, August 28.

Andy Wainwright, Whole Systems Manager at SSEN Distribution, said: “To make these plans as good as they can be, we need to hear from our customers and people in our communities.

“By running a lengthy consultation period throughout August, my hope is that we do just that.”

The draft Strategic Development plan for the Ealing Grid Supply Point can be read here and the consultation is open for submissions until Wednesday 28th August