CAMPAIGNERS in West Ealing are urging the council to prosecute car and van owners who park illegally on Broadway and the Uxbridge Road.

They say that, for months, probably years, cars have been parked illegally on Broadway, sometimes for many hours.

Ealing Council says a new parking enforcement team is being trained to identify the worst locations and to take swift action.

In June, West Ealing Neighbours delivered timed photographs of cars illegally parked to the council’s parking services.

Kevin Raftery, of WEN, said: “Ealing Council’s response was very unhelpful. It continues to consistently fail to enforce these car parking regulations.

“The illegal parking blocks the passage of buses, cyclists and private vehicle drivers.

“It causes swerving to avoid the cars, delays in transport and increased pollution with idling engines.”

Back in February, WEN held a public meeting at the Drayton Court Hotel, attended by 150 residents.

Councillors present were strongly urged to ensure officers made increased efforts to clear Broadway of illegally parked cars.

“Almost six months later, the car parking problem has not been dealt with,” said Mr Raftery.

‘We can’t have one law for a few people and a different law for everyone else. I’ve never seen the cycle lane clear during business hours.”

An Ealing Council spokesperson said: “Greener Ealing, the council’s wholly owned environmental services team, took over parking enforcement across the borough in April this year.

“Work is ongoing to ensure the new enforcement officers know exactly where and when most parking contraventions take place, so that penalty charge notices can be issued quickly, to help make the roads and pavements safer.

“Greener Ealing is aware of the concerns about dangerous and illegal parking in West Ealing.

“Enforcement officers have been closely monitoring the areas and, where they have seen parking contraventions, they have taken the necessary enforcement action. 

“Be warned: car owners parking in this area of West Ealing continues to be an enforcement watch spot!

 “Residents and businesses should report parking contraventions as soon as they see them.

“Contact the council’s parking services on the automated telephone service 020 8825 6677, option 1, from Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm and 020 8825 5000 at all other times.

“Parking contraventions can also be made using the parking option in the LoveCleanStreets app.”