STAFF at Isleworth & Syon School were understandably proud of their Year 13 cohort this morning as they collected their results.

Top performer was Mikaeel Shah, who is heading to read Mathematics at Trinity College, Cambridge. He achieved a clean sweep of A* grades, four in total, including Maths and Further Maths.

This was no surprise after Mikaeel represented the UK at the International Maths Olympiad this June.

He will be joined at Cambridge by Elliot Heath, who achieved 2 A*s and an A to earn a place at Fitzwilliam College. Elliot will read Psychological and Behavioural Science.

Deputy Head Student James Skinner will use his two of his three A*s - in Maths and Physics - to continue both subjects at the University of Bath.

Fellow deputy Joe Gilmour is  going to the University of Manchester with an A* and two A’s to study Philosophy, Politics and Economics, to pursue his dream of becoming an MP.

Will Hemmings has a similar vision and will hope his History and Politics degree at York can help him to achieve it.

Dalbir Gill is heading to Manchester for an engineering degree. His two A*s in Maths and Physics are preparation for a potential aerospace engineering career.

Anya Brucal was the school’s first-ever female co-head student and was a key member of the school’s ambassador programme.

She has earned two A’s, a B and a C and heads to Imperial College London to read Material Science and Engineering.

Ruby Balfe studied a blended A-level and vocational pathway and  received a double Distinction* in her CTEC sport double award.