ADULTS with eating disorders are receiving top-quality treatment at Cygnet Hospital, Ealing, according to the experts.

Cygnet Hospital in Corfton Road has achieved accreditation to the Quality Network for Eating Disorders (QED), a national quality mark from the Royal College of Psychiatrists.

The Royal College’s accreditation programme involves assessment against some 200 standards categorised into eight sections.

They are access and admission, environment and facilities, staff and training, care and treatment, information, consent and confidentiality, rights and safeguarding, discharge and, finally, clinical governance.

Following an assessment, the Royal College said Sunrise Ward at Cygnet Hospital met 93 per cent of standards.

It awarded the hospital a three-year accreditation after QED assessors spoke with existing patients, carers and staff.

Hospital manager Olajumoke Adegoke said: “Our compassionate and hard-working eating disorders team deserve to celebrate this recognition.”

Sunrise Ward is a 14-bed service which provides a specialised eating disorder service for women.