ACTION to make busy Southfield Road, between Acton and Turnham Green, safer could be closer.

It has a 20 mph limit, though the findings of community-led speed measuring suggest many vehicles are travelling at well above the limit.

Earlier this year, there was a fatality and more recently substantial damage from a bus crash.

Southfield Recreation Ground, which adjoins the road, is one of four ancient fields in Acton which the council bought in 1908 for use by residents.   

Liberal Democrat councillors in Ealing have been calling for a crossing and electronic speed displays.  

Now, the road is included in applications for funds from Ealing Council to Transport for London.

Cllr Gary Malcolm, Leader of the Lib-Dem opposition on the council and a Southfield councillor, said his party had been working with the community to address speeding issues in Southfield Road but it had taken five years to get any action.