A HOUSING association tenant from Northolt has been recognised for her beautiful balcony garden.

Maria Vasquez, who lives in a flat at Rectory Park, came first in the Small Garden Innovator category in the Sovereign Network Group’s SNG in Bloom competition.

SNG’s judges said she innovatively used her balcony by showcasing blossoming greenery and plants. She won £200 in vouchers certificate and a trophy.

Maria said: “This has been a journey that has lasted me around five years.

“It all started when I inherited a few plants from my mum. Unfortunately, I didn’t care for them too well and they died, so I set up a little challenge for myself, to care for them a bit more.

“I have a knack of taking a really small cutting and growing it into a beautiful big plant and I really enjoy it. I grow my own tomatoes, courgettes, potatoes.

“My family helps with watering sometimes when I’m away and that keeps the plants alive.

“In the summer, I like to buy some flowering plants, just to make the balcony a bit brighter and nicer. Then, in the winter I usually focus on my indoor plants and let them hibernate.”

Maria is among five gardeners and gardening groups from across London and the South of England recognised in the SNG in Bloom competition.

Indoor, outdoor and community gardens and green spaces were all in contention.

Jamie Ratcliff, Chief Communities and Sustainability Officer, added: “I was blown away with the levels of skill, commitment and improvement shown in all submissions.”