MORE than 100 community workers descended on Brentford Football Club last week to celebrate five years of Ealing Community Partners.

ECP was launched in 2019 and is a partnership organisation including Ealing Council, West London NHS Trust, Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust and voluntary groups.

During this time, community services have grown to involve around a third of the trust’s workforce.

Different teams from ECP last week shared their biggest achievements, including Musculoskeletal Health, Ealing Children’s Services and the Healthy Lifestyles Service.

The afternoon included a presentation from Dr Christopher Hilton, Chief Operating Officer for Local and Specialist Services at West London NHS Trust.

Dr Hilton said: “The expertise and energy of clinicians in the room and the good practice shared from the first five years of Ealing Community Partners was fantastic to hear.”

Staff were treated to a performance from Impact Theatre, a group promoting a positive image of disability through the performing arts.