AN award-winning children’s book author visited an Ealing primary school to share his poetry with the children.

Michael Rosen, a former Children’s Laureate and author of books including We're Going On a Bear Hunt, visited Grange Primary School in Church Gardens on Wednesday (25).

He performed poems and stories, and signed books for more than 450 youngsters.

Mr Rosen said: “It was great to see the whole school smiling and laughing and excited about poetry.”

Sarah Mears, Grange Primary’s deputy head, said: “He entertained, he enthused and he thrilled us. I know this will have inspired the children.”

Mr Rosen visited the school to launch its focus on oracy, or effective communication through speech.

A Year 4 parent said: “In Tommy’s words, ‘It was the best day yet.

“Michael Rosen was hilarious. I laughed so much when he read to us I nearly fell off my chair laughing. Days like today make books even more special.”

Mr Rosen is also a professor of children’s literature at Goldsmiths, University of London, and won the 2023 PEN Pinter prize.