Concerned Ealing residents packed the Town Hall to register their concerns about potential health cuts last Thursday.

The meeting, titled ‘Resist the Cuts, Save Our NHS’ proved so popular that there was standing room only in the hall as 120 people crowded in.

Under proposed reforms, the strategic planning bodies for London would be dissolved, putting many hospitals at risk – including Ealing and West Middlesex Hospitals.

Dr John Lister, Information Director, Health Emergency, said the Government’s reform plans presented a massive threat to the national health service as we know it.

"It was an angry meeting," he said.

"It's worrying that people don't know about the most dramatic health care reforms in recent years."

An Ealing Hospital worker warned that two wards had already closed in the hospital, with a third set to follow.

MP Katy Clark told the packed hall that the affects of the cuts had already been felt by the most vulnerable members of Ealing society.

She added that people were working together throughout the country to defend threatened libraries, community centres, day centres and other services fallen victim to cuts.

"It's unusual to see an MP so combative and engaged," said Dr Lister.

Called by the Ealing Trades Union Council, the evening featured speeches from MP Katy Clark and economist and health care experts.

Andrew Cook, a local economist, also addressed the meeting and challenged the need for such drastic cuts – pointing out that Britain’s assets are 11 times greater than its debts.

"Everybody is totally against these disastrous proposals to undermine our NHS," said Ealing TUC Secretary, Eve Turner.

"All the job cuts will create a demoralised section of young people with little chance of working.

"It’s disgusting that vulnerable people, especially disabled people, face losing care services, benefits and even their homes, whilst the super-rich are doing very nicely."

Eric Leach, Vice Chair of West Ealing Neighbours, who attended the meeting, spoke glowingly of the solidarity he had felt in Thursday’s meeting.

"Did I detect the re-emergence of Socialism in England in the Town Hall last night? I think I did," he said.