Home Secretary Priti Patel is expected to tell police forces in England and Wales to make tackling violence against women and girls a "national priority".

Ms Patel is expected to outline such attacks as a national policing priority, known as a strategic policing requirement (SPR) in an announcement this week.

SPRs show the key areas police forces should address and topics that chief constables, police and crime commissioners must focus on.

Police will be told to prioritise tackling such violence against women and girls on the same level as fighting terrorism, child sexual abuse as well as serious organised crime.

Ealing Times: People in the crowd turning on their phone torches in Clapham Common, London, for a vigil for Sarah Everard, as police will be told to make tackling violence against women and girls as much a priority as fighting terrorism, child sexual abuse and serious and organised crime.Credit: PAPeople in the crowd turning on their phone torches in Clapham Common, London, for a vigil for Sarah Everard, as police will be told to make tackling violence against women and girls as much a priority as fighting terrorism, child sexual abuse and serious and organised crime.Credit: PA (Image: free)

This news follows a police watchdog recommendation which was part of a root-and-branch review of how the police respond to this kind of violence.

The review found “problems, unevenness and inconsistencies” in dealing with the “epidemic” of violence against female victims in the UK.

Zoe Billingham, then inspector of the constabulary, said that it was “vital” violence against women and girls should be within the top three priorities for police forces.

Speaking about the new strategy, Ms Patel said: “The safety of women and girls is an absolute priority and I do not accept that violence against them is inevitable.

“That is why last year I commissioned an inspection into the police’s response to tackling crimes disproportionately impacting women and girls. The report made for difficult reading, but made a number of suggestions for how government, the police and others can and must do better.

“I am pleased to be accepting its major recommendation – to make tackling violence against women and girls a strategic policing requirement – meaning this will now be a national priority for every single police force in England and Wales.”


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The new prioritisation will provide “clear direction to policing and highlights where police forces need to work together, using their local and regional capabilities, to protect the public”, the Home Office said.

From next week, an advertising campaign across TV, radio, social media and on billboards focusing on “targeting and challenging perpetrators and harmful attitudes” will also be launched.

The adverts will highlight a “series of different forms of violence against women and girls, and the simple acts that anyone can take to challenge perpetrators of abuse”, the Home Office added.